
I’m an ongoing Victim of Corrupt Crooked Calgary Cops & Their Cohorts. Please read this and my other websites ( links below ) I can assure you the contents of my websites are the truth You Could Be Their Next Victim.

When Law Enforcement officials are freely and without fear, lying, obstructing justice and committing serious criminal offences and it’s the victims who end up paying the price, then the justice system in Alberta, is badly, badly broken.

OCTOBER 2024: The mandate of the Calgary Police Commission is to provide independent civilian oversight and governance of the Calgary Police Service to ensure a safe community. They are not doing that, What they are doing, and have been for a long time, is Criminally, Willfully, Backstabbing and Betraying that Mandate. Once more they are in the throes of more cover ups, such cover ups that are protecting Crooked Corrupt Calgary Cops and their Cohorts.

This corruption enabled them to wrongfully convict and imprison me, my only crime outing them on my websites. My name is John Ned Kelly website author. I am now 67 years old. I served honourably in both the British and Canadian Armed Forces. I’ve been a Para-Legal for the last 30 plus years and have lived in Calgary since 1987.

1. the Professional Standards Sections (PSS). (Is Corrupted)
2. the Chiefs Office of the Calgary Police Service (CPS). (Is Corrupted)
3. the Calgary Police Commission (CPC). (Has Been Corrupted)
4. the Law Enforcement Review Board (LERB). (Has Been Corrupted)
5. the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). (Is Corrupted)
6. the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). (Has Been Corrupted) and others


CHAFFINS DAMNING INICTMENT OF THE CPS: Former Calgary police Chief Roger Chaffin said it’s a “dark struggle” to try and grapple with the institutionalized problems in an ultra-masculine paramilitary organization like the police.

FURTHER CORROBARATING DAMNING STATEMENT Former Calgary police Chief Roger Chaffin said he left (in 2018) with regrets & those feelings have not changed. Chaffin was speaking about harassment in the force after he retired in 2018 with only three years under his belt as the city’s top cop. He left the force amid growing concerns, with high profile resignations — including top HR officials — at least one lawsuit launched by a former officer. Chaffin said he advocated for changes as early as 2013, but received pushback from executives unwilling to change.

The truth is out there at the highest levels. If the proper corrective action is swiftly taken, there’ll be no more innocent victims, suffering at the hands of past and present crooked and corrupt cops and their cohorts. Far too many of them are still currently operating, freely and without fear, within the Calgary Police Service, RCMP, and Law Enforcement associated Cohorts.

The principles of justice are fairness, equality, and entitlement. The principle of fairness means that someone is treated impartially without regard to who they are. In a society, justice demands that all people live under the same laws and none is above the law or exempt from it. Try telling that to all the Crooked and Corrupt Calgary Police Service & Their Crooked & Corrupt Cohorts.

The Truth always comes out in the end, no matter how hard anyone tries to hide it, cover it up or stop it. Lies are just a temporary delay to the inevitable.

NEW: Scott Strasser a reporter with Post Media in Calgary just authored a book (Here Come the Cavalry) Chronicling the History of Professional Soccer in Calgary. Of most interest are the years 1998 onwards and the many errors and omissions. Which, when combined with my website publishing’s and the documents and materials already disseminated, shows a direct correlation between extensive corruption within Calgary soccer, cover ups and systematic targeting of John Ned Kelly by Corrupt Crooked Calgary Cops & Their Cohorts.

Continually Updated johnkelly475@yahoo.ca Website Links Below.