FEBRUARY 2025: The Calgary Police Commission (CPC) along side the Law Enforcement Review Board of Alberta (LERB) are protecting the Calgary Police Service (CPS) willfully assisting them in their ongoing criminal enterprises.
BREAKING: LERB Documents are being published (right now) by the LERB showing that the LERB are also willfully and knowingly damaging victims whose appeals have been heard before them… MORE COMING:
These Law Enforcement criminals are not your normal, every day run of the mill criminals, but include past and present senior Calgary Cops and their very senior prominent Cohorts.
These crooked corrupt organizations and individuals are going into 2025 the way they left 2024. And that is, doing everything in their power, to stop the truth from getting in the way, of their crooked, corrupt and criminal ways.
1. the Chiefs Office and Calgary Police Service (CPS). (Corrupt)
2. the Professional Standards Sections (PSS). (Corrupt)
3. the Calgary Police Commission (CPC). (Corrupted)
4. the Law Enforcement Review Board (LERB). (Corrupted)
5. the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). (Corrupt)
6. the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). (Corrupted) and others;
Politicians and those running for office who seek the police vote, knowing that the police are corrupt crooked and criminals, are nothing short of Con Artists.
I’m JohnNedKelly: Para-Legal Investigator Researcher Website Author:
COMING 2025: Brian Thiessen KC, is running for Mayor of Calgary in the 2025 election. Thiessen was the Chair of the Calgary Police Commission from 2016 through 2019. Throughout his time in that position, Thiessen was a crooked and corrupt Individual. What will be published in 2025 about this corrupt and crooked man will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
COG Is my acronym for Consciousness Of Guilt: Members of all those listed above 1-6 have displayed many traits of someone who is conscious of guilt. Traits include Committing Perjury – Making False Statements – Destroying Evidence – Destroying files – Fabricating Police Reports – Fabricating events – Fabricating Investigations – Deceiving the Courts and others – Conspiring – Acting in Concert with other like minded individuals – and much much more.
DECEMBER 2024: Shawn Cornett Chair of the Calgary Police Commission (CPC) is the latest to display Consciousness Of Guilt as she is now using her position to suppress evidence of past, present and ongoing serious criminal acts being committed by those listed 1-6 above. CPC Chair Cornett, is now hiding, running for cover, playing Blind Deaf Dumb and Dumber, and more.
CPC MANDATE: The mandate of the Calgary Police Commission is to provide independent civilian oversight and governance of the Calgary Police Service to ensure a safe community. They’re not doing that, What they are doing, and have been for a long time, is Criminally, Willfully, Backstabbing and Betraying that Mandate. Once again, they’re in the throes of more cover ups that are protecting past & present Crooked Corrupt Calgary Cops and their Cohorts.
FORMER CPS CHIEF CHAFFINS DAMNING INDICTMENT: Former Calgary police Chief Roger Chaffin said it’s a “dark struggle” to try and grapple with the institutionalized problems in an ultra-masculine paramilitary organization like the police.
FURTHER CORROBARATING DAMNING STATEMENT Former Calgary police Chief Roger Chaffin said he left (in 2018) with regrets & those feelings have not changed. Chaffin was speaking about harassment in the force after he retired in 2018 with only three years under his belt as the city’s top cop. He left the force amid growing concerns, with high profile resignations — including top HR officials — at least one lawsuit launched by a former officer. Chaffin said he advocated for changes as early as 2013, but received pushback from executives unwilling to change.
The Truth always comes out in the end, no matter how hard anyone tries to hide it, cover it up or stop it. Lies are just a temporary delay to the inevitable.
Continually Updated johnkelly475@yahoo.ca Website Links Below.