On my websites I’ve published and provided way more than “enough sufficient evidence”. Such evidence that would successfully prosecute those crooked and corrupt individuals who have been identified. Including but not limited to, past & present Rotten RCMP and Calgary Cops.

Make no mistake, prosecutions and criminal convictions would have already happened, were these individuals that are identified on my websites, not being protected by senior Calgary Cops, the RCMP, Corrections Canada, their cohorts and other individuals.

POLICE MIS-DIS-INFORMATION: Nobody trashes your name better than someone who’s afraid people will believe you. Calgary Cops and their cohorts are doing all the trashing they can, to suppress the truth from coming out.


Right now, Rotten Calgary Cops and their corrupt cohorts, are continuing to manipulate complaints, investigations, manufacture police reports, lie under oath, obstruct justice and much more. You have Calgary career Cops carrying on as career criminals, whilst willfully operating ongoing criminal enterprises. This is what happens when those responsible for Law and Order are the ones not telling the Truth


If you asked any sitting Justice or Judge is truth the absolute defence against a Defamation action, they would all say yes. Both sides of a contradiction cannot be true. One side has to be mistaken, misled or just outright lying. As a lie will not fit a fact, a lie will only fit another lie made for that purpose. And the life of a lie, is just a question of time.

Believe you me, there’s no one, that knows better, how to break the law and suppress that truth, than Corrupt Cops and Corrupt Crown Prosecutors. They will continue to do so, Just as long as they get the result they want.



Ask yourself this – How did they get this crooked and corrupt and still remain unchecked, if not without help from each other. I have materials, documents, personal knowledge on everything that is posted on this and my other web-sites. In all of these matters one absolute truth stands out. The individuals and organizations that I’m outing, fear the truth. They want the truth to stay well hidden, because the truth is not their friend, it’s their enemy.

I’ve constantly and openly, challenged all those individuals and organizations that are profiled, to provide any evidence that contradicts what’s published on my sites. None have been able to do so.

By far the largest of these hypocrites are the Calgary Police Service. They promote words such as, Vigilance, Protect, Serve, Courage Service Honor Respect Pride, Community, Sacrifice. and Integrity. These words roll off their tongues as they shame each and everyone of those traits every single day.

Throughout my sites you can read about the old boys network and how the police have ” Good Old Boys ” in virtually every facet of the Justice system in Alberta, and related organizations. You will find it entrenched between the RCMP and the Calgary police service.

George Orwell: ” All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force. ” Calgary police are tyrannical.

TRUTH. The information contained on this and my other websites is accurate, and has been taken from official documents, Canada Correction files, Cop files, audio and videotapes, F.O.I.P. requests, statements from past and present police and correctional officers, press releases, media files, correspondences, court transcripts, examination transcripts, meetings, their own e-mails and much more.

I spent three Xmas’s and three New years in Drumheller prison. All as a direct result of the many crooked, corrupt and criminal acts committed by Calgary Police Chief Rick Hanson, officers under his command, as well as members of the RCMP and their ability to manipulate other like minded crooked cops, and even more importantly their ability to easily manipulate the Justice system for their own ends.

I witnessed corruption in Drumheller prison on a daily basis. From crooked guards to crooked staff, the Wardens office, and from there onto Canada Service Corrections and the Parole Boards.

The corruption was as ugly as it was obvious and they didn’t care one bit. The staff that did care, would not break the prisons code of silence. The evidence in my possession in documents, materials and knowledge is irrefutable and very very damning.

Good people know the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong, and they choose to do what’s good. Bad people also know the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong, but they choose to do what is bad. The bad people profiled (so far) on this website, are very, very, bad people.

Tracey Farmer: the latest Warden of Drumheller Federal Prison in Alberta Canada, is the most crooked, corrupt, conniving, lying, scheming, low life individual I ever interacted with during my time at Drumheller. And that statement includes every Inmate, prison guard, prison staff and many others.

The corruption in Drumheller prison just like that in the Calgary Police and the RCMP, goes all the way to the very top. How easily they can commit daily wanton abuses of civilians and inmates, commit serious breaches of trust, and commit many, many criminal and corrupt acts.

The sheer depth & breadth of their lies, cover ups, corrupt & criminal acts are astounding. They’ve plowed and continue to plow Double Decker Buses, right through the Criminal Code of Canada and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

They’ve orchestrated and continue to orchestrate a total corruption of the justice system in Alberta. They still believe to this day, that they can get away with the corrupt and criminal acts they’ve committed and those they intend to continue to commit, after all who polices the police… ?

COURT ACTIONS: What’s been published on this website and other websites, and what will be published in the future, will be able to withstand any scrutiny, in any Civil or Criminal court of law.

Because the irrefutable difference between false allegations and the truth, is proof. Because a lie will not fit a fact, it will only fit another lie made for that purpose, the life of a lie is just a question of time. And their time is all but up.

These websites also expose, how those same individuals are now fully embroiled in more criminal cover ups, fueled by their fears (rightly so) that any investigation into the matters published on my websites will result in class action lawsuits and multiple criminal charges being laid against them and their own.

CONSPIRACY: Once I was in Drumheller prison the Calgary Police Service & RCMP successfully conspired with guards and staff to keep me there. They did so by interfering with my rights to parole, violations of my charter rights, also attempts to have me seriously harmed or killed, and other means.

THE TRUTH: To that end, what is posted on my websites will be short sharp summaries of what I was personally subjected to, what I witnessed, the many interactions and what I uncovered from my time in Drumheller Prison, Calgary Remand Centre, Statutory Release and my interactions with Law enforcement and correction officials.

Many of the individuals that are named, also participated in the commission of more criminal acts to cover what they had already done. Such acts punishable under the CSC and Police Acts, their own Rules and Regulations as well as the Criminal Code of Canada, to name but a few.

Much more to follow: