LAWFUL AUTHORITY: According to 3 Justices of the Appeal Court of Alberta, in order for my 3 criminal convictions to get overturned, all I have to prove is..

1. That I had the “ Lawful Authority ” to file my complaints with the (PSS) the Professional Standards Section of the (CPS) the Calgary Police Service. and

2. That I then had “ Lawful Authority ” to avail myself of the Appeal process to the Calgary Police Commission (the CPC). And then to the Law Enforcement Review Board of Alberta (the LERB).

IN A NUTSHELL: That I told the truth & they lied to bury the truth.

THE TRUTH: Right now I have seven published websites, that clearly spell out the who, where, why, what, when and how, crooked Cops and their cohorts abuse and control the Justice system, for their own benefits.

THE TRUTH: The websites show quite clearly who is lying and who is telling the truth. I have the documents to prove they’re lying, and they know that.

THE TRUTH: None of the individuals/organizations named and shamed on my websites, have provided any evidence to disprove what I’ve published. I’ve also yet to receive any cease or desist letters, or any Applications to have my sites taken down.

THE DOWNSIDE FOR THEM: To file an Application to the Courts would require them to file Affidavits in Support. Meaning they’d have to swear under oath, that the contents of their Affidavits are true. Meaning that they would then be, opening themselves up to be cross-examined on their Affidavits. So them, filing Affidavits with the Courts, not such a great idea.


The location is the Alberta Court of Appeal Calgary. Three (3) Justices are there to hear an appeal of a conviction for criminal harassment whereby a sentence of two (2) years had been given. Six (6) days later they issue their memorandum of judgment.

That memorandum contains Ten (10) numbered paragraphs over Three (3) pages. How many errors would you reasonably expect there to be in that memorandum. I might be biased here, but I would vote for none.

I would be wrong, seriously wrong. Right off the bat, Right outta the gate, the first few lines of that memorandum, the Justices state the appellant interfered with witnesses That’s Not True: They state that the appellant sabotaged a planned undercover operation That’s Not True: They further state that the appellant filed a complaint with the police in 2003 That’s Not True: They state that the appellant harassed the investigating police officer for nearly a decade That’s Also Not True.

That’s four outright lies published by three Justices of the Alberta Court of Appeal in the span of the first five (5) lines of their memorandum of judgment. And the lies just continue from there. Needless to say they denied the appeal.

Is it fair to say that the Justices are crooked and corrupt. Or is it more fair to say that the Justices relied on the information given to them within that hearing process, when they wrote that judgment. Garbage In Garbage Out..

In this instance the Garbage In was presented to the Justices by Julie Morgan of the Calgary Crown Prosecutors Office. The Garbage Out courtesy of three Appeal Court Justices….

LAWFUL AUTHORITY: In order for me NOT to have the Lawful Authority to appeal a decision to the Law Enforcement Review Board (LERB)…. The CPS, CPC, and the Crown Prosecution Office (CPO) must NOT have committed any of the following criminal acts.

1. Obstruction of Justice (multiple occasions).
2. Multiple counts of perjury.
3. Acts of criminal conspiracy.
4. Misleading and lying to the courts.
5. Filed false affidavits with the Courts.
6. Swearing to Affidavits they know to be false.
7. Illegally gaining search warrants.
8. Illegally gaining seizure warrants.
9. Destroying boxes and boxes of evidence.
10. Destroying hundreds and hundreds of documents.
11. Filing bogus charges
12. Filing bogus reports.
13. Counselling individuals to commit crimes.
14. Manipulating investigations.
15. Manufacturing documents.
16. Fabricating documents.
17. Removing filed Defence documents from the Court Docket.
18. Betraying their oath.
19. Lying to the Media.
20. Droving double decker buses through the criminal code of Canada.
21. Droving double decker buses through the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

CONCLUSION: Between them, the CPS, CPC, CPO and others – committed all of them. Ergo, I had the Lawful Authority to utilize the appeal process: