JUNE 2024 – GAME CHANGERS: The truth is out there at the highest levels. If the proper corrective action is swiftly taken, there will be No More Victims suffering at the hands of past and present crooked and corrupt cops. Far too many of them are still currently operating, freely and without fear, within the Calgary Police Service, the RCMP and other Law Enforcement Agencies.

JULY 2024: COMING SOON: Current ongoing victim – Angela Whitney.

BREAKING LATEST: Statements by Shawn Cornett, Chair of the Calgary Police Commission (the CPC), that the Calgary Police Service (CPS) and their Cohorts have essentially remained unchecked, uncontrolled, unrestrained and unaccountable since at least 2011, is of no shock to me. The toxic workplace culture is just one symptom of a very much larger cancer that still infests the Calgary Police Service and their Cohorts.

Especially when a CPS main Cohort is the Calgary Police Commission itself.

1. the Professional Standards Sections (PSS). (corrupted)
2. the Chiefs Office of the Calgary Police Service (CPS). (corrupted)
3. the Calgary Police Commission (CPC). (corrupted)
4. the Law Enforcement Review Board of Alberta (LERB). (corrupted)
5. the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). (corrupted)

The only way for the wrongs and the injustices to be righted, is for complete accountability to be brought right to their front doorsteps. They simply cannot be allowed to continue to police themselves. More to Follow


Much more coming soon.

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