DEBORAH PETRIUKS official working title is the Public Complaint Director and Legal Counsel Calgary Police Commission. I submitted serious evidence to Petriuk of corrupt, crooked and criminal acts committed by members of the Calgary Police Professional Standards Section & past commission members…

Such criminal acts committed at the same time periods, and in unison with the same individuals involved in the bogus criminal conspiracy charges that were led by Chief Hanson Jennifer Rees and Sgt Murray Bartley in criminal docket 101128882P1 against John Kelly (me).


PETRIUKS LIE – NUMBER 1: “ Complaint 1089: You made a number of complaints against Detective Mercer which were dismissed on October 20, 2010. You then appealed the matter to the LERB. Your appeal to the LERB was dismissed, and costs were awarded against you. ”

THE TRUTH: There was no appeal of Complaint 1089, there was no dismissal by the LERB and there was no costs awarded against me in 1089 0r 1055. It’s been irrefutably established that the Professional Standards Section fabricated entire files.

PETRIUKS LIE – NUMBER 2: “ Complaint 1055 You made a number of complaints against Inspector Money Sparrow, A/Inspector Cliff O’Brien and A/Staff Sgt. Joe Brar. These complaints were dismissed on July 21, 2010. You did not appeal this decision. ”

THE TRUTH: Complaint 1055 was also never investigated at all. The entire file was a fabrication orchestrated by the Professional Standards Section. And this woman is a Lawyer.

PETRIUKS LIE – NUMBER 3: “ In order for these matters to be dismissed, they would need to be investigated first. From my review of the matter, they thoroughly investigated at the time ”

THE TRUTH: How could Petriuk have done done a review. Both 1055 and 1089 were never investigated at all. It has been well established that the Professional Standards Section fabricated both entire files. This is another Outright Lie by Petriuk And this woman is a Lawyer.

PETRIUKS LIE – NUMBER 4: “ It does not appear that there are further actions to be taken on these professional standards matter, and you should not expect further contact from the Calgary Police Commission on this ”

THE TRUTH: Yet another outright Lie by Petriuk. It is obvious that Petriuk never completed a review, and it’s more obvious that Petriuk is attempting to cut off any further investigation into corrupt, crooked and criminal acts, by making false blanket statements, she knows to be false. Thereby committing criminal acts herself.

CONCLUSION: There is a mountain of evidence to shred Petriuks Lies. All anyone has to do is check her statements with the LERB in Edmonton, and her lies will be laid bare.